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The Amos Madra Show

Hello and welcome to the Amos Madra show where we talk to people who have defied all odds, trail blazed the way and given us hope.

Feb 28, 2020

Simon Alexander Ong helps ignite people's imagination of what is truly possible so that they can lead meaningful, purposeful and extraordinary lives.

Simon believes that the greatest investment you can make is in yourself. Because the more you grow, the more you feel alive. And the world needs more people like...

Feb 21, 2020

Bernard Kufuor is the Owner and Managing Director of Grasp International recruitment. But Bernard’s career started off completely different starting off as a sports journalist in Ghana before moving into sales and marketing then into recruitment. Soon after he set up his own recruitment business and he has...

Feb 15, 2020

Esther Aluko is the founder of Actioned Future and Intellectual ladies. She sat down to talk about what it takes to run two different organisations.