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The Amos Madra Show

Hello and welcome to the Amos Madra show where we talk to people who have defied all odds, trail blazed the way and given us hope.

May 30, 2018

Lamin Deen is a British bobsleigh pilot and Grenadier Guardsman. Lamin, who grew up in Manchester and joined the military as a teenager, has completed tours in Kosovo, Bosnia and Northern Ireland. He qualified for the 2014 Winter Olympics in both the 2-man 4-man disciplines and also took part in the 2018 Winter Olympics.

May 28, 2018

Denis Onyango is the Programmes Director at Africa Advocacy Foundation (AAF) a registered charity founded in 1996 with the aim of supporting and empowering vulnerable and disadvantaged people. AAF is a community-led initiative that aims to equip diaspora communities and marginalised peoples with the tools they need...

May 23, 2018

It’s almost a year since the Manchester terror attack killing 22 people at a Ariana Grande concert. The attack brought pain and shock waves across the city but that didn’t stop the great surge in community spirit following the attack. Mancunians rallied to support those caught up in the Manchester Arena attack....