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The Amos Madra Show

Hello and welcome to the Amos Madra show where we talk to people who have defied all odds, trail blazed the way and given us hope.

Jan 6, 2022

Audrey Hepburn-McFarlane is a licensed minister, wife, mother of three daughters, and a grandmother of five. Audrey left social work in the public sector, dedicated and solely committed her life to helping the wider community near and far. Audrey is a registered Life Coach, public speaker, mentor, and author of her first book in 2020, “The Love of God, 30-Day Devotional,” now author of a 30-Day Devotional, which became a bestseller on Amazon. “Lord, Teach Me to Pray” is her new book which will be out in the new year. These books are a part of a discipleship series.